Though Jerusalem was eager to quickly apply sovereignty to areas of West Bank, hesitation in Washington, Palestinian fury and worried army chiefs have slowed down such notions
In apparent contradiction, White House adviser also says US moving to recognize annexation of settlements within months, but adds plan aims to ultimately stop settlement expansion
Senior official says Palestinian fate won't change if group of 22 countries doesn't change methods; CIA chief said to visit Ramallah, assure PA of opposition to snap annexation
After US opposition foils plans to approve move at Sunday cabinet meeting, PM now looking for 'green light for a small annexation to satisfy the voters'
While UK has expressed cautious support for Trump plan, FM Dominic Raab says 'any such unilateral moves' can't move forward without formal Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement
No new date set for ministerial gathering, which Netanyahu had initially said would approve extending sovereignty to West Bank areas, after calls to hold back from Washington
Within two days of historic White House event, PM has had to backtrack from vow to immediately apply Israeli law to settlements. What went wrong, why, and how much does it matter?
Official on PM's plane: We planned swift start to multi-stage annexation of Jordan Valley, settlements, surroundings, but US wants to avoid recognizing annexation several times
Israeli expert says several Arab countries didn't find considerable value in explicitly knocking initiative; Palestinian analyst warns it may be too early to fully judge responses
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