Photos show cars with their tires slashed and Hebrew slogans daubed on walls of mosque and other buildings in Einabus, just south of flashpoint settlement of Yitzhar

FM Riyad al-Maliki says world must stand up to any violation of international law, but wonders if Jewish state is a 'holy cow' that no one will dare touch

David Friedman says Israel has the 'right' to keep parts of the disputed West Bank. But his boss, much less enthusiastic about the settlements, may end up opting for the status quo

Footage shows nearly a dozen youth gathering at edge of Yasuf, near Kfar Tapuah settlement, and throwing stones at cars in broad daylight

Associate of Kobi Eliraz, who was viewed as aide responsible for advancing hundreds of building plans beyond Green Line, says he was canned over ties to Netanyahu's rivals

Samaria Regional Council chief appeals to finance, transportation ministers to deny application from fast-food giant because it won't open in West Bank

Minor from Rosh Ha'ayin accused of hurling stones, assaulting officers and causing damage to their vehicles during weekend altercation near Yitzhar in northern West Bank

Yitzhar and Jerusalem residents to be brought before judge after rare arrests following wave of so-called price tag attacks

Authorities say that after breaking up a clash between Israelis and Palestinians, dozens of masked settlers attack their convoy before fleeing

Right-wing activist group finds Hasmonean Palace tombs demolished, bones strewn on ground; remains re-interred at nearby Kfar Adumim settlement
