Religious Zionism leader leveraged position during budget negotiations, telling security officials, 'Remember that I am the finance minister and I also want something,' report says

Settlers celebrate decision to legalize nine unauthorized outposts, say it formalizes longstanding cooperation with government to expand settlement

Figure green-lit by panel this week is largest ever; hearing rescheduled to adjudicate objections to repeatedly delayed project that would bisect Palestinian contiguity in W. Bank

Agreement will allow Religious Zionism head to entrench Israel's West Bank presence and thwart Palestinian development, though caveats appear to preserve some authority for Gallant

After members bow to American pressure, withdraw resolution urging halt to settlement activity, they issue softer joint statement saying actions imperil prospects for 2 states

As PA buckles under US pressure to withdraw Security Council resolution, Israel only agrees to pause further unilateral steps for a short time

Facing US pressure, Ramallah suffices with symbolic Security Council statement panning settlements, while Israel will agree to halt some, but not all, activity beyond Green Line

Nides says US not dictating details to Israel, but wants it to build consensus before moving forward, claims warnings about proposals' economic impact have PM's attention

PA president briefs secretary of state on Palestinian-backed Security Council measure calling for halt to Israel's activities in West Bank

Latin American countries maintain Jerusalem's 'unilateral measures constitute serious violations of international law and the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council'
