Diplomatic reporter Lazar Berman on seemingly warming Saudi ties; religion reporter Canaan Lidor on chief rabbi's slander against Israelis who don't keep kosher

Doctors, academics, bereaved families to demonstrate in the capital, with rally expected outside Histadrut HQ in Tel Aviv amid pressure on labor federation to call a strike

Nikodemus Schnabel protests after being told his attire is 'inappropriate'; state-run Heritage Foundation apologizes for 'distress caused' but defends request

Maya Benvenisti, 36, staged protest against since-shelved legislation that would have made it a criminal offense to dress or pray at Jerusalem Old City holy site 'immodestly'

Zman Yisrael editor Biranit Goren on surprising lack of successor to Rabbi Gershon Edelstein; religion reporter Canaan Lidor on explosive Christian prayer event at Western Wall

Violent protest, attended by Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Arieh King, underlines theological strains on the two movements' political partnership

Diplomat's tweet appears to be first time Biden administration weighs in on issue, which has been major source of tension in Israel-Disaspora ties

In a monotheistic trifecta, a stream of Jews, Muslims and Christians celebrate their different holidays in an ultra-tense Old City

842 Jewish worshipers visit site; Palestinians barricade inside Al-Aqsa Mosque overnight prompting fears of clashes; police don't enter building, likely to keep lid on violence

Woman's mother wonders whether she'd have been similarly ordered if shirt bore rightist slogan 'Temple Mount in our hands,' says 'Western Wall is most political place in country'
