ZecOps finds Shai Babad, Keren Terner Eyal and Emi Palmor — all named in bombshell Calcalist wiretapping report — were never targeted by police or with NSO Group's Pegasus spyware

Attorneys for former PM and co-defendants reject claim that nothing of interest was taken from device belonging to state witness Shlomo Filber

State attorneys tell the court that a phone belonging to Shlomo Filber was hacked, but no relevant info used; separate investigation disputes Calcalist report on police hacking

But Gideon Sa'ar notes that he has yet to receive final findings from ongoing investigations over alleged illicit hacking of Israeli citizens

Importer sees nearly 200% increase in sale of 'dumb' devices following claims police spied on citizens; finance minister flaunts his own simple phone on Twitter

Former Tel Aviv district attorney says her top priority is restoring public trust in justice system and law enforcement; adds she will look into spyware allegations

Shai Babad, Keren Terner and Emi Palmor — all alleged to have been hacked — call for deletion of any material obtained; state comptroller to look into claims

With police alleged to use spyware against citizens, Channel 12 offers guidelines by Kaspersky Lab, a Moscow-based firm banned in US over ties to Russian security services, hackers

AG said to have told cops to wait until inquiry into use of Pegasus phone hacking tech was completed, amid allegations they deployed the tool illicitly

Bennett defends practice, but stresses need for regulation and training; Lapid says Likud MK Ohana should be grilled first over claims law enforcement illegally hacked phones
