Merkava IV company will defend Egyptian frontier as permanent part of mixed-gender Caracal Battalion; Kohavi hails successful pilot enabling more combat roles for women

Lt. Col. Yarden Shukron Yifrah to head Shahar Battalion, tasked with assisting civilians during wartime and disasters

Lt. Col. Revital Barzani to serve as commander of IAF's 66th Battalion, which operates David's Sling system against medium- to long-range rockets and missiles

Partial lifting of gag order on explosive case reveals soldier's claim she was left alone in prison's security wing, attacker threatened her life if she told anybody

Court unanimously clears serviceman of all charges, accepting defense claim that the pair had a consensual relationship

40-year-old Brig. Gen. Naama Rosen, who has served in series of intelligence roles during 22 years of service, hailed by Herzog for 'making history'

Lt. Col. Dan Sharoni reached plea deal with military prosecutors to be demoted, pay compensation and face possible jail time for filming dozens of soldiers without their consent

Lt. Col. Dan Sharoni reportedly in advanced talks for favorable plea deal with military prosecutors, will confess to filming dozens of soldiers without their consent

Or Livni, who was given citation for continuing to command troops despite being wounded in 2014 incident on Egypt border, to be promoted to rank of lieutenant-colonel

Haaretz report says several officers questioned over largely ignoring woman's report, failing to meet with her after failed suicide attempt one day before she died on base
