Dragan Skocic led Iranian national team to its sixth World Cup, set to take place in November; replacement not yet announced

Agreement with Jordanian, European authorities to shorten flights comes after deal to allow Israelis to attend tournament in Gulf nation

Despite lack of ties between Doha and Jerusalem, Israel says soccer fans holding match tickets will be granted entry; announcement makes no mention of security concerns

Almost 15,000 Israelis have already purchased tickets for the match; security officials said to be worried over Iranian presence in the country during tournament

Countries signed six cooperation agreements in run-up to this year's global soccer championship; Islamic Republic's soccer team has already advanced to the World Cup

Iran famously beat the Americans at 1998 World Cup, when two sides exchanged roses beforehand, but US coach confident Tehran will not enjoy a repeat

Draw for December event in Qatar pits geopolitical foes against each other; England also in group that could also include Ukraine if it gets through war-postponed qualifier

'Hope to see you in Doha': American envoy Rob Malley welcomes Iranian soccer victory as US also advances; the two sides played a charged match in 1998

Iranian team becomes first national squad from Asia to secure a berth in the international soccer tournament

Associated Press investigation finds Doha hired Kevin Chalker to spy on rival bidders and the officials who picked Qatar as host for 2022 tourney; he also kept tabs on critics
