In radio interview, Yair Netanyahu says that outside of Israel, kibbutzim only exist in North Korea, and like Hitler's regime they aimed to establish 'utopian societies'

PM's legal team requested postponement in submitting response to charges until other challenges are resolved amid continued efforts to delay trial

PM's legal team claims it has not received full case files from prosecution and can therefore not properly prepare for evidentiary stage of trial, set to start in January

Defense argues that charges attribute to PM acts allegedly committed by his wife Sara and son Yair, placing December hearing for presenting evidence in jeopardy

Asher Ben Dor pleads guilty in exchange for amended indictment dropping one of two charges against him; state asks for prison time

First episode of The Yair Netanyahu Show rails against what it calls liberal-controlled media, academia; the two compliment each other's right-wing governments

Police looking into origin of Facebook post claiming demonstrators planned to use tasers, after senior officer reads it aloud on TV despite reported warnings that it was fishy

Yair Netanyahu retweets link to fundraiser supporting legal defense for Amiram Ben Uliel, calls conviction a 'disgrace'

Alumni of prestigious fellowship say PM's son tarnished their reputations, demand NIS 1 million in compensation

Suspect reportedly sent letter to Liat Ben-Ari, a regular target of the PM's supporters, telling her, 'This is your end'
