Demanding debate on oil giant getting Noble Energy's Mediterranean stakes, campaigners say Chevron avoiding $9.5b payout for 'Chernobyl of the Amazon' spill, boding ill for Israel

Noble Energy has played a key role in discovering and developing Israel's mammoth offshore natural gas fields, Tamar and Leviathan

Ministers, opposition figures, businesses and medical officials all lambaste tough measures they say will cause enormous damage to the economy, with no clear plan forward

Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz decries decision to rapidly reopen Israel after abatement of first wave of pandemic

By end of decade, Energy Ministry aiming to cut coal altogether and move to 70% natural gas, 30% renewable energy

Amid Israel's annexation push, envoy to UN Kelly Craft says Trump proposal 'not set in stone,' but 'until we have dialogue, there’s going to be nothing'

Rafi Peretz vows to 'oppose any mention' of establishing state in West Bank amid growing opposition to provision in White House blueprint, as Israel moves toward annexation

Yuval Steinitz urges right-wing critics of peace proposal not to ‘squander historic opportunity’ to annex portions of West Bank, calls criticism 'foolishness'

Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz claims measure will reduce air pollution by 93%, greenhouse gases by 50% per capita

Officials cite huge expected savings in water costs and significantly better tender bid as reason IDE Technologies was awarded Sorek B project, largest of its kind worldwide
