Energy minister hails initial agreement on 1,200-kilometer EuroAsia Interconnector; says it'll allow 'electricity backing' from Europe in emergencies, will boost solar power use

During visit by Egyptian minister, countries agree on project aimed at making use of Egyptian liquefaction facilities to boost exports to Europe

Tarek el-Molla is first senior Cairo official to arrive in five years; Netanyahu says enough natural gas in Mediterranean for both countries' needs and to export

EU wants to allocate at least $5 million to the project, while Qatari envoy says Doha will fund construction of part of a gas pipeline inside Israel

Senior member of ruling party says he cannot imagine sitting in same government as leader of Otzma Yehudit party, which Netanyahu maneuvered into merger of far-right parties

Yuval Steinitz says Tehran will need 6 months for required enrichment before bomb development; US said Iran could produce enough fissile material in weeks if violations continue

Environmental Protection and Energy ministries trying to reach pre-election deal on renewable targets and whether Israel can move to almost total reliance on sun by 2050

Tzachi Hanegbi says Israel does not expect Trump to take final dramatic action; cautions against American 'weakness' and repeating 'Obama mistakes'

Knesset committees reach 11th hour deals to ease installation of solar panels, while Energy Ministry launches program to make local authorities more energy efficient

By questioning ratification of statutes that say nothing about climate change, Gila Gamliel ensures that role of East Med Gas Forum is discussed by the cabinet
