A resident of Beitar Illit entered the neighboring Arab village of Husan on Wednesday evening and was attacked by an Arab mob who tried to lynch him. He somehow miraculously managed to escape the village on foot and was hospitalized with light injuries. However, his car that he left behind was set on fire and completely burned. He had driven to the village to buy something at the kiosk at the entrance to the village [Beitar residents routinely enter the village during normal times] and when he exited his car, Arab rioters began throwing stones at him and beating him. His friend told Channel 12 News on Thursday morning: “After Arabs started throwing stones at him, he tried to escape but then another group appeared who began to beat him. He managed to escape on foot.

As the IDF continues to carry out Operation Break the Wave, seven terrorists from the village of Silwad near Ramallah who planned to carry out a major shooting attack in Jerusalem on Seder night were captured on Wednesday evening by Israeli security forces. In the course of the arrest operation, the terrorists opened fire at the IDF soldiers. One of the suspects managed to escape to a building near the surrounded house and security forces announced to him: “Get out or we’ll destroy the house on the spot.” Other Arabs in the village began rioting and throwing stones at the Israeli security forces.

Click below to see Reb Yisroel Neuberger’s vividly inspirational video about the Reality That is Pesach – now.    
The post Reb Yisroel Neuberger – The Reality that is Pesach appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

Dozens of renovation experts under the direction of the Shomron Regional Council accompanied by a convoy of IDF vehicles secretly entered Kever Yosef in Shechem at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning and renovated the site. The renovation of the site, necessitated by its wanton destruction on two occasions by Arabs earlier this week, was the first such operation in broad daylight since the site was abandoned to the Palestinian police on the orders of then-prime minister Ehud Barak in the wake of the second intifada in 2000. According to a Haaretz report, IDF snipers on nearby rooftops secured the operation in addition to the IDF forces on the ground.

The IDF carried out arrest operations early Wednesday morning in Shechem, Jenin, Tulkarem, Qalqilya, and other Arab cities and villages for the firth day in a row as part of what has been termed Operation Break the Wave in the wake of four murderous terror attacks in the past month. The IDF secured the site of Kever Yosef in Shechem as renovation teams from the Shomron Regional Council entered to restore the site. Arabs threw rocks at the vehicles as they entered the site and clashes ensued between Arabs and IDF soldiers near the kever, during which one Arab was killed and 31 injured. Six Arabs were also injured in clashes with IDF soldiers in the nearby village of Beita.

Heartwarming scenes played out in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath’s elementary school in Flatbush as boys danced with a secular studies teacher they helped bring into the warm embrace of yiddishkeit. Several few months ago, a boy in the eighth grade in Torah Vodaath challenged his teacher: if he were to get a 100 grade on his history midterm, the teacher would agree to wear tzitzis and put on tefillin each day until the end of the school year. The teacher agreed. After throwing himself into the subject matter, the boy emerged victorious, scoring a perfect 100 on the difficult test. The teacher kept his word. He began wearing tzitzis each day and would allow the boys to place tefilling on him each day at school.

After two years of demanding that Americans be forced into lockdowns, restrictions, vaccinations, and other anti-Covid measures, Dr. Anthony Fauci is finally changed his tune, saying that Americans should use their instincts to deal with the virus. Speaking to Jonathal Karl on ABC News, Fauci was asked about an op-ed in the Washington Post that said Americans will have to accept that Covid infections will keep occurring. Karl asked Fauci if we are now at the point where we should “accept there is going to a risk” and get back to normal life. “There will be – and we’ve said this many times even in our discussions between you and I, that there will be a level of infection,” Fauci responded. “This is not going to be eradicated and it’s not going to be eliminated.

Philanthropist Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz’s $10 million donation to Yeshivas Mir last week, the largest donation in its history, doesn’t mean that he’s now resting on his laurels. Instead, Reb Rechnitz donated $5 million for Kimcha D’Pischa which will be distributed over the next three days to about 34,000 kollel families across Israel. The main chalukah is distributed via the ba’al chessed Reb Ephraim Stern to about 17,000 families, in addition to the distribution to about 7,500 families in Modiin Illit, 7,500 families in Bnei Brak, 2,000 families in Elad, and hundreds of families in the northern city of Karmiel and in Achisamach, a moshav in central Israel. Askanim in Modiin Illit composed a special song in honor of Reb Shlomo Yehudah, which can be seen below at the end of the video.

A Pennsylvanian tired of rising gas prices has found himself behind bars after putting stickers on fuel pumps featuring Joe Biden pointing a finger at the price with the caption “I did that!” Thomas Richard Glazewski of Manor Township was arrested after being confronted by police over his action – which was posted on social media. The video shows Glazewski being tackled by cops at a convenience store as he yells, “I did that, I did that. That’s what I did,” pointing at several of the stickers he placed on the pumps. He was charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, harassment and criminal mischief.

Long Island, NY – At a Rockville Centre Village Board meeting, a resident who identified herself as Michelle Zangari went on an antisemitic tirade for over 8 minutes and urged the Board to enact rules that would help keep Jews out of Rockville Centre. Specifically, Zangari wants a village code to forbid synagogues from existing in residential areas. She moaned and groaned how in the 5 Towns – where she grew up – Jews moved in and shuls popped up everywhere. “You may think it could never happen here, but trust me, none of us living in the 5 Towns thought it would happen there either,” she warned, because, apparently, the prospect of Jews coming to Rockville Centre is just too much for her to bear.
