The top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee says some Americans who have been trying to get out of Afghanistan since the US military left are sitting in airplanes at an airport ready to leave, but the Taliban are not letting them take off. US Representative Michael McCaul of Texas says there are six airplanes at the Mazar-e-Sharif airport with American citizens on board, along with their Afghan interpreters, and the Taliban are “holding them hostage” right now. A worker at the Mazar-e-Sharif airport confirms several aircraft he believes were chartered by the US are parked at the airport. Taliban have prevented them from leaving, saying they wanted to check the documents of those on board, many of whom do not have passports or visas.

Ankle-deep water had already covered the basement floor of the Valle family home on Wednesday before the unthinkable happened: Ida’s floodwaters broke through a wall and trapped half of the family downstairs. The collapse of the basement wall, caught by a security camera inside, could have been deadly to a Janice Valle and one of her sons. In a matter of seconds, the wall of water had filled the entire basement and trapped both of them in different parts of the basement. The son seen in the shocking camera footage made it to the basements steps safely and escaped the flooding without injury. He and the rest of his family had already been trying to empty the basement of the minor flooding before the situation became unimaginable.

Hundreds of people gathered at Bedford Ave and Wallabout Street on Thursday night to protest against missionaries who have been showing up lately in the area. Besides for the massive number of people on the street, many cars passed by honking heir horns – drowning out their microphone. The NYPD responded and had them leave the area. ` (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Thursday that extreme flooding in the New York area from Hurricane Ida illustrated the need for concrete legislative action on climate change. “Woe is us if we don’t recognize these changes are due to climate change. Woe is us if we don’t do something about it quickly,” Schumer said at a press conference with New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D). “When you get two record rainfalls in a week, it’s not just coincidence,” he said. “Global warming is upon us and it’s going to get worse and worse and worse unless we do something about it, and that’s why it’s so important to pass … the infrastructure bill and the budget reconciliation bill.” (Source: The Hill)

The roof of a commercial building in Flatbush collapsed on Thursday from the heavy rain last night. The FDNY was operating on the scene at 1902 Coney Island Avenue near Avenue P for a partial roof collapse. The location is a vacant one story commercial building. Sources tell YWN it may be under construction. There are no injuries or evacuations reported. [Video and photos via Shimon Gifter] (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, appearing side by side with New York City officials, said she spoke with President Biden today who “guaranteed” full support in the wake of a “devastating” and “record-shattering” storm. “This is the first time we’ve had a flash flood event of this proportion,” she said. “We should expect it the next time,” she said. The governor added that the human loss is “hard to imagine.” For a state that experienced the devastating shore effects of Sandy, Hochul said that this time around, “where we had a vulnerability is in our streets.” The governor noted that the draining systems need to be enhanced and infrastructure investments are paramount.

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Shmuel Dovid Weissmandel ZT”L, who was Niftar while driving during the floods last night. The Niftar was travelling on the NY State Thruway from Monsey to his home in Mount Kisco, when he encountered flood waters near the Tappan Zee Bridge. Unable to drive any further, he contacted his family to try and rescue him. His son, Moshe Elya, posted on his WhatsApp status at around midnight looking for for anyone with an SUV in that area to help evacuate his father. Unfortunately, he was Niftar before anyone was sable to rescue him. It is unknown if he drowned in the waters, or he suffered a fatal heart attack in the vehicle. The Niftar was 69 years old, and was the son of Hagaon HaRav Michoel Ber Weissmandle ZT”L.

The attached video footage shows Hatzolah members, in waist-deep water, entering a shul in Williamsburg to rescue damaged Sifrei Torah. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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Record-breaking rainfall led to historic flooding Wednesday evening in New York and New Jersey, with officials declaring rare emergencies warning people to stay away from dangerous flood waters to protect their lives. Just after midnight on Thursday, Gov. Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency in New York. She urged people to stay of the roads. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy issued a state of emergency in response to the storm late Wednesday. “Tropical Storm Ida is severely impacting all areas of our state,” he said. “The safety of our residents is our main priority, and we urge everyone to be informed of local weather conditions and to stay off the roads.” BREAKING: I’m declaring a STATE OF EMERGENCY EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY in response to Tropical Storm Ida.

Multiple tornadoes have touched down in New Jersey as the remnants of Hurricane Ida ripped through the state Wednesday evening amid numerous flash floor, severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings. The National Weather Service said an apparent twister caused “significant damage” in the Mullica Hill area of Harrison Township around 6:21 p.m, another in the area of Cherry Hill, and heavy damage reported in Wenonah, at 6:27 p.m. RECEIVE BREAKING UPDATES IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be added to an official YWN WhatsApp Group. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
