Terror Victim Gavriel Lavi Released from the HospitalB’chasdei Hashem, terror victim Gavriel Lavi, 47, who was seriously injured in a terrorist attack, has been released from Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Hospital.
Lavi, an avreich affiliated with the Breslov Shuvu Banim community, Avreich Gavriel Lavi was seriously injured in a terror attack near Shar Shechem on Friday, May 31, 2019, as he was walking to the Kosel to daven

 Jon Stewart Slams SHAMEFUL Congress Over 9/11 Victims FundComedian Jon Stewart scolded Congress Tuesday for failing to ensure that a victims’ compensation fund set up after the 9/11 attacks never runs out of money.
Stewart, a longtime advocate for 9/11 responders, angrily called out lawmakers for failing to attend a hearing on a bill to ensure the fund can pay benefits for the next 70 years.

 Delinquent Chareidi Youths Terrorize Bnei Brak, Storm Dorog Bais Medrash, Assault Chassidim, Vandalize Machnovka, Antania ShulA pack of delinquent youths used Shabos and Shavuos night to terrorize many people around Bnei Brak, smashing windows and light fixtures, eventually ending their Shavuos night by storming the Dorog Bais Medrash, leaving 20 Chassidim injured.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Announces “Israel Is Working To Destroy Us” [VIDEO]Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif issued a warning on Monday, stating that in the face of threats from Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, his country would respond. He questions how Mr.
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 Rescues Made At Jerusalem Fire, No Injuries ReportedThere were dramatic rescues at a building fire in Jerusalem, Tuesday afternoon, but thankfully no injuries.
The Israel Fire Department says the fire was on the upper floors of a 4 story building located at 1 Musayof Street at around 6:45PM IL.

 4 Sifrei Torah Stolen From Bnei Brak Shul; Another Sefer Torah And Nevi’im Thrown To The FloorWhen mispallalim from the Tiferes Shimon Shul in Bnei Brak arrived on Tuesday morning for shachris, they were horrified to see the shul had been broken into, including the Aron Kodesh, and Sifrei Torah had been stolen.

 Futuristic ‘flying V’ Airplane Could Change The Way We FlyA V-shaped airliner that seats passengers in the wings instead of a central fuselage could make long-distance air travel more sustainable — and it’s more than pie in the sky.
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 Incredible Uplifting Erev Shavuos 5779 With Song & Dance With Rav Ephraim Wachsman in CedarhurstAs is done every year, HaRav Ephraim Wachsman joins HaRav Dovid Spiegel and the Bais Medrash of Cedarhurst, with an incredibly uplifting song preparing the Kehilla for Kabolas Hatorah.
The entire crowd breaks out in singing and dancing following the inspiring words delivered by Rav Wachsman.

 Security Forces Arrest A Wanted Suspect For Attacks In The Gush Etzion AreaIn an operating involving the IDF, ISA (Israel Security Agency/Shin Bet) and Israel Police, authorities apprehended Ahmed Ibrahim Nasrallah in the PA (Palestinian Authority) village of Tuqwa in the Gush Etzion area.

 Woman Given Dizzying Spin in Chopper Rescue Gone WrongAuthorities say a 74-year-old hiker whose head and face were injured in a fall on a Phoenix mountain has been rescued by helicopter, with video showing her in a stretcher that spun as it was lifted toward the aircraft.
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