Police say Hamada Iqtiet climbed fence and reached opening in cage before lion attacked him

Elizabeth Reichert left funds in her will for the Cologne Zoological Garden, explaining her husband Arnulf 'wanted to give the money someplace where it would do good'

Veterinarian says birth successful despite loud sounds of explosions, which causes stress to wild animals

Agriculture Ministry, Nature Authority, open probe into Hai Park in Kiryat Motzkin after social media post shows elephants apparently clinging to wall for shade

Safari park says it filed a police complaint about man seen in video posing with the toothy reptiles

Ape exits enclosure through newly planted vegetation; officials say she was never close to visitors' area and did not present danger

8 gorillas believed to have virus and several have been coughing; appears infection came from member of zoo’s team

Primate, worth thousands of shekels, back home after being recovered by police

Critics say owners want to bully animal welfare organizations into giving them thousands of dollars to free the animals into their care