University is now the only school in the California system that has not passed a similar proposal against the Jewish state

Suspects Arrested In Theft from Israel’s Emergency Sugar Storage FacilitiesThe Israeli police opened an investigation on suspicion of stealing tons of sugar from the country’s emergency warehouses. Following an intelligence operation, an open investigation was opened, during which five suspects who were brought to Lahav 433 Israel Police Major Crimes Unit offices in Lod were detained for interrogation, where they are being investigated by the department’s Unit for Combating Economic Crime.

What Portfolios Are In Deri’s Sights?It appears that even after the counting of the IDF votes, the Shas party remains with eight seats and will be the third largest party in the new Knesset. This will undoubtedly lead party chairman, Minister Aryeh Deri, to present Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu with a hefty list of demands regarding which cabinet portfolios and positions he seeks for party members.

How Much Did Knesset Elections Cost The State?Elections for 21st Knesset are over, and the question remains is how much did the election cost the nation? The various political parties entering the 21st Knesset will now receive funding based on their size.
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Yahadut HaTorah (UTJ), which was celebrating its growth to eight Knesset seats in the elections this week, is now feeling pressure as the latest count appears to move its eighth seat to the Meretz party.
UTJ is now just a few dozen votes shy of that eighth seat, which had previously seemed safe, as the Central Elections Committee is coping with a spate of irregularities in the reported votes.
The party which is benefiting at UTJ’s expense is the far-left Meretz party, the Kikar Hashabbat website reported.

Washington – From his eyes to his immune system, astronaut Scott Kelly’s body sometimes reacted strangely to nearly a year in orbit, at least compared to his Earth-bound identical twin — but newly published research shows nothing that would cancel even longer space treks, like to Mars. The good news: Kelly largely bounced back after [...]

Oklahoma Woman Charged With Spray Painting ‘Gas The Jews’ GraffitiCharges were filed Monday against an Oklahoma woman suspected of spray painting racist, anti-gay and anti-Semitic graffiti on Democratic Party offices in Norman and Oklahoma City.

Israel’s Central Election Committee chairman Hanan Meltzer said Thursday evening that results would be posted on the Knesset website “by midnight,” adding that while the figures released would be accurate, they could still be subject to updates.
“I wish to stress that we did not find any irregularities in the system or in the counts of the votes,” he said.
Based on consultations with security officials, Meltzer added that there was no suspicion of a foreign origin cyber attack.
The final total will be posted by April 17, when it is to be handed over to Israel’s president for review.

Lebanese network accused of laundering millions of dollars of drug money across multiple countries to help finance terror group

Col. Ala Abu Rukon, currently the IDF military attache in China, to be promoted to Brigadier-General

Lawmakers soften 2017 legislation banning state contracts with Israel boycotters after teacher sues school, and pledge from hurricane victims questioned

While the nerves of some politicians were taut to breaking point as they waited all day to hear their fates, they and us reporters could only sit and wait for tidbits of news

Kahlon, who has previously said Netanyahu could not stay on if indicted in criminal cases, founded Kulanu in 2014; it slumped from 10 seats to 4 in Tuesday's elections

Pennsylvania man posted image of himself pointing an AR-15 rifle at a group of praying Jewish men

Lucy Aharish asks: 'What would we say if cameras were placed on Jewish voters in US?'; Arab voter turnout fell to 52%, pollster estimates, compared to 63.7% in 2015

Orlando, FL – A 90-year-old Florida woman who took home $278 million from a winning Powerball ticket six years ago is suing her son and his financial advisers, claiming the money was put into low-return investments while she was being charged $2 million in fees. The lawsuit filed by Gloria Mackenzie last month in state [...]

A. I. Stone VS StarbucksA . I . S T O N E  VS
Sounds a bit crazy….
Everyone knows the Starbucks model.
Charge four bucks for a cup of coffee and the customers are
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Vehicle built on shoestring budget fails during descent, after weeks of careful maneuvering in space; Netanyahu: 'If at first you don't succeed, try again'
