“The attack on the mispallelim of Chabad of Poway on Pesach, by a monster who brought hate and horror into the kedushas beis haknesses, left us grief-stricken and heartbroken,” said LCSW, Shomrim of Lakewood, NJ, in a statement.
The shooting brought to the fore the horrific ramifications of latent anti-Semitism when actualized, and it also brought to the fore the heroism of individuals who fought hate with love.
“We mourn the passing of Lori Gilbert-Kaye who lost her life while protecting others in a courageous act of heroism,” said LCSW. “We extend our heartfelt refuah shelaimah to the injured, including Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, who continued to lead his congregation with strength and courage despite his own injuries.”
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