A group of about 20 Mir bochurim planned a trip to Meron, and with Lag B’Omer falling out on Friday, they rented an apartment in the area to stay over Lag B’Omer and Shabbos. They set out in high spirits on Thursday, traveling together to northern Israel from Yerushalayim. They arrived at the apartment, unpacked their bags and rested a bit, knowing they would be up all night at Har Meron. As seen below, they also enjoyed a pre-Lag B’Omer kumsitz before setting out to Kever Rashbi. When Lag B’Omer began, the bochurim joined the hadklaka and the davening, and the singing and dancing at Meron. And then the horrible disaster occurred. And when it was over, two of their friends were missing… At first, they assumed they would find them, of course. They searched all over the area – once, twice, three times. They called all the hospitals, and they called again, and then again. As the night wore on, they began to accept the inevitable. And unfortunately, their worst fears were eventually confirmed. The worst had happened, and two of the bochurim they had traveled together with on their Lag B’Omer trip would not be returning to the Mir with them. Dovi Steinmetz, z’l, 21 , of Montreal, Canada, and Yossi Kohn, 21, z’l, of Cleveland, Ohio, talmidim of the Mir, lost their lives that night in the Meron disaster, leaving their friends bereft and grieving. Below, Dovi’s friends sing outside the Shamgar funeral home as the tahara is performed prior to the levaya. Their levayos are taking place on Sunday. The information and live streams are below: THE LEVAYA OF YOSSI KOHN Z”L: To listen on the phone: 15183299200 Ext. 1 (USA) 026473030 Ext. 1 (Israel) THE LEVEYA OF DOVI STEINMENTZ Z”L HAS CONCLUDED.  [MERON VICTIMS: 24 Bochurim And Boys, 4 Mir Talmidim, At Least 6 US Citizens, 2 Canadians] [HEARTBREAKING: List Of Niftarim R”L Killed In Meron Crush Released] [How Exactly Did The Terrible Disaster At Meron Occur?] [Father’s Heartrending Hesped For His Son: “You’re Now In Rebbe Shimon’s Yeshiva”] [WATCH: 10-Yr.-Old Meron Survivor: “I Cried Out Shema Yisrael”] [“People Were Crushed To Death Before My Eyes” – Survivors Of The Harrowing Scenes Talk] [Chareidi Reporter Warned Of This Very Tragedy In 2018!] (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post Lag B’omer Trip For Mir Bochurim Ends In Tragedy When 2 Friends Don’t Return [LIVE STREAM OF BOTH LEVAYOS] appeared first on The Yeshiva World.