Today, 30 Sivan/June 10, is the fourth yahrtzeit of Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz z”l, the founder, president, and visionary behind ArtScroll/Mesorah. During his forty years at the helm of Artscroll, he spearheaded “The ArtScroll Revolution,” changing the Jewish world by bringing Torah and Jewish awareness to hundreds of thousands of our brethren all over the world. The following video describes Rabbi Zlotowitz’s life and the incredible journey that he took to become one of the greatest Torah disseminators of our time, a giant with a global impact who managed, at the same time, to be devoted to his family and loyal to his friends. Busy building a Torah empire, he somehow always managed to find the time to advise and help the countless friends and strangers who sought him out. To watch the following video and to read the fascinating biography of his life (see here) is to marvel at the accomplishments of one extraordinary man who left an indelible mark on generations of our people. Yehi zichro boruch. WATCH:
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