Eli Chagira is only one and a half years old.
His mother is Chaya: A strong, courageous woman who has fought off cancer five times in her short 32 years of life. But today, she is fighting it for the sixth time.
“My wife is…amazing”, says Ami Chagira, Chaya’s husband. “She’s beaten cancer five times. But unfortunately, the cancer recently came back, and more aggressively than ever this time.”
When she starts feeling unwell, Chaya and Ami’s kids know the drill: Chemo, treatments, and hours of sitting at home without their parents, saying tehillim and begging the Aibeshter to keep their mother alive. They’re a family that have been through tough times together, and the wild challenges that they’ve faced have only brought them closer. But recently, Ami received a letter in the mail that shook him to the core and made him seriously doubt how much more his family can handle.
“I am the single breadwinner with six kids, rent to pay, and very expensive medical bills,” he explains. “Recently, I opened our mail and my heart dropped. We received an eviction notice.”
After years of keeping the family together, Ami describes how they are reaching their breaking point: “I don’t know what we will do if they kick us out. Our youngest is one and a half. It terrifies me in a way that I cannot describe.”
After all that they have been through, this family needs help now more than ever. Funds are being urgently collected by the Vaad HaRabbanim to help this sweet family keep their home. They are currently more than halfway to their goal, but they can only save their home if the full goal amount is raised. The youngest is just a toddler, and time is quickly running out. Click here to help the Chagiras save not just their physical house, but every sense of stability and security that their children desperately need.
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