Hinda Ley stood silently in her Jerusalem apartment. The sun beat down mercilessly on her through the small dusty window as she buried her head into her siddur like a child into its mother’s comforting shoulder.
Please, Hashem. Help me make a chasunah for Raizel Sara. She’s always been such a good girl, always so kind to everyone. Please, Abba, please don’t let her feel embarrassed as she stands under the chuppah. I just want her to be happy. We have no money left at all, help us…
Suddenly, Hinda heard a strange rustling sound. Tiptoes? As she looked up from her siddur, she saw some of the kids hurrying out the door. One of them caught her watching, and froze like a deer in the headlights.
Clearly, they were up to something.
The seven Ley children were excellently behaved, and it was unlike them to do anything behind their mother’s back. When Hinda asked them about the strange scene that she had witnessed earlier, they failed to hide their embarrassment. Finally, the always mature Raizel Sara spoke up.
“We were hungry, Mommy. The fridge is empty. We-we went to the neighbors for some food to eat.”
Hinda’s heart felt like it would break. Though she never lost her composure in front of her children, she couldn’t help but notice something wet and salty starting to trickle down her cheek.
Though Hinda and her husband Avraham push themselves past their limits to bring in parnossah, their hishtadlus is simply never enough. There is barely enough money for anything, even food. A vulnerable video of Hinda depicts a very concerned mother as she explains how they are struggling with something very important:
The Leys have no family to help them, and they are desperate for help. Click here to help a struggling Israeli family make a simple wedding for their oldest daughter and to perform the beautiful mitzvah of Hachnasas Kallah.
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