First Covid. Then Meron. Then Miami. 
What’s next?
With the horrific tragedies that have swept our nation these past few months, Elul approaches us with a sense of foreboding. This past year, we heard the chazzanim sing the haunting melody of “Mi bamayim umi be’sh…” but none of us knew that so many of the horrific deaths described in the ancient tefillos would actually come true before our very own disbelieving eyes. We lost brothers, sisters, mothers, sons. This was a dark year. 
But there is hope.
After a year of unimaginable tzaros, Elul is finally here. A month with the power of change, the power of Hashem’s rachamim. This year, after the tragic events that have occurred, the Vaad HaRabbanim is presenting the rare and powerful opportunity to join in the tefillos of the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel. Donors who give tzedaka to help support Vaad HaRabbanim’s desperately poor families in Eretz Yisroel will be personally prayed for by several tremendous Gedolim at many powerful sites including the Kosel, Kever Rochel, Chevron, Meron, Amukah and the kever of Rabi Yehuda bar Ilai.
The only way to remove an evil decree is with teshuva, tefilla, and tzedaka. This year, join some of Eretz Yisroel’s greatest Gedolim in helping feed hungry Israeli children and benefit from their powerful tefillos on your behalf. They will daven for you, and they will daven for your entire family. Click here to sign up.