When Tehilla K. was expecting for the first time, she and her husband spent hours debating whether it would be a girl or boy.
“You’re carrying low, I bet it’s a boy!” neighbors would rudely remark.
“With all that nausea, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a girl,” whispered his mother too loudly.
When the baby was finally born, Tehilla and Avi were completely shocked. But because of something else entirely.
“Our precious baby boy was born with a rare syndrome that affects his lungs,” explains Tehilla to reporters in numbed disbelief.
“Every breath that he takes solely relies on expensive medical equipment and medication.”
“I stare into my precious little baby’s peaceful face, and I just can’t stop the tears from flowing. Our parents can’t help us. If we don’t find someone to help pay for everything, our baby will die. Every breath he takes makes me shake from fear for his life. We are terrified and we don’t know what to do. ”
Incredibly, Tehilla’s story has inspired someone to help not just her, but several other people in similar situations.
The story made its way to Rav Mordechai Gross, a Posek in Eretz Yisroel who is legendary for his Brachos coming true. When he heard about the couple whose baby’s life is on the line with every breath that he takes, his heart ached for them. He immediately made a rare pledge to learn the entire sefer Tomer Devorah and to personally daven at the siyum for every single person who helps donates towards the funds needed to save their baby’s life.
Rav Gross’s Brachos are not to be taken lightly. Countless stories have been told about their unusual power. Click here to save a baby’s life and to personally receive Rav Gross’s much sought-after tefillos on your behalf.
*Names changed to protect privacy
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