When Rabbi Eliyahu Greenberg’s phone rang at 6 AM this past Sunday, he didn’t recognize the number on the blinding screen. But when he groggily picked up the phone and heard the voice on the other line, he jumped out of bed.   It was Rabbi Cohen*.   An old friend from yeshiva days, Rabbi Cohen eventually became the Rav of Odessa, Ukraine, and though once close, the two had lost contact over the years. When Rabbi Cohen explained why he was calling, Eliyahu was amazed at the hashgacha– As the head of a chesed organization that helps needy families in Israel, he was just the right person to help.   Then, together with the help of Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer, Rabbi Greenberg started out on a daunting mission: To save the Jews of Odessa.   “There are still many members of the Odessa community who are unable to leave, and they need money for food,” he wrote in an emotional letter several days ago.   “…We the American Jewish community can only watch from afar in horror as Jewish refugees fight for their lives. Please join us in showing them that in times of war, Klal Yisroel will always stick together.”   The Jews of Odessa are hoping and praying that their brothers and sisters overseas will hear their cry and help them. To save the Jews of Odessa, click here.   *Name has been changed for privacy purposes.
The post Eerie: Divine Providence Leads To Daring Ukraine Rescue Mission appeared first on The Yeshiva World.