About a month and a half before her petirah, Rebbitzen Kanievsky, a’h, explained at a conference how she and HaRav Chaim, z’tl began reciting Birchos Hashachar together. A video of her speech was published on Wednesday on Kikar H’Shabbat. “One day, an avreich told me that he dreamt about a dear friend, Reb Horowitz, who learned together with HaRav Chaim in the Kollel Chazon Ish. Reb Horowitz, who had passed away at a young age, appeared to him in the dream and told him that in Shamayim they’re extremely makpid when people are mezalzel (make light of) the answering of Amen.” “I heard the story and I decided I have to do something,” Rebbetzin Kanievsky, a’h, said. “I decided, together with the women who daven in Lederman, that each one of us will arrive at shul before davening and say Birchos HaShachar aloud. Everyone will answer Amen and we’ll be zocheh to recite Amen many times at the beginning of the day.” “And Baruch Hashem from time to time, the women who arrived early began to increase and many women were zocheh in answering Amen.” “One day, my grandson, who’s also the grandson of HaRav Shteinman, z’tl, came to visit and I told him about the women answering Amen. My grandson was very moved and told HaRav Shteinman about it.” “HaRav Shteinman was also moved by the story and he asked the avreichim in the minyan he had in his home to arrive early for davening and say Birchos Hashachar aloud.” “And also, HaRav Chaim, z’tl, who heard about Reb Horowitz, calls me over every day before I leave to shul and says Birchos HaShachar in order that we’ll be zocheh to say Amen,” Rebbitzen Kanievsky, a’h, concluded. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post THE REASON: Why Did HaRav & Rebbitzen Kanievsky Say Birchos HaShachar Together? appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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