The announcement on Monday of the end of the Bennett-Lapid government was met with great jubilation by many, especially of course by the members of the opposition who are eager to be back in power. Others, including Chareidim, are rejoicing at the fall of a government that made unprecedented attacks on religion, derided Rabbanim, and glorified liberal values. But it seems like no one is rejoicing more than the Dati Leumi sector, some of whom formerly supported Bennett and may even have voted for him. The video below is of dancing in Yeshivas Ramat Gan: Rosh Yeshivas Ramat Gan HaRav Yehoshua Shapiro received the news while at a wedding: The bochurim at Yeshivas Maale Eliyahu in Tel Aviv rejoice: A celebration also took place in the center of Jerusalem. Below is a video of two well-known right-wing journalists, Yinon Magal and Shimon Riklin, dancing: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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