The community of Ramat Beit Shemesh was shocked last year after the sudden loss of 47-year-old Naftali Bernstein, a father and beloved cheder Rebbi who had contracted Covid and tragically died just a few weeks later, leaving his young wife and ten orphans in a state of utter shock and grief. It’s been over one year by now, and the Bernsteins have had an extremely difficult time adjusting to their painful and challenging new reality.
“His death left an aching hole in so many lives,” Mrs. Bernstein openly shared several days ago with us.
Financially, the Bernsteins have had an extremely difficult adjustment as well, with the almanah sadly admitting that there have been days that she had nothing in the pantry but stale crusts of challah to feed her children. She is overjoyed that one of her children are now engaged, yet it has brought her problems to a whole new level.
With the help of the Vaad HaRabbanim, Mrs. Bernstein has created an emergency crowdfunding page. The page is crowned by a picture of her beautiful family several months before her husband was tragically niftar, Rabbi Bernstein’s face glowing with nachas next to his daughter’s– Bittersweet proof of happier times. In the upcoming wedding photo, Rabbi Bernstein’s chair will be hauntingly empty. But Mrs. Bernstein prays that with enough help from compassionate strangers, the picture will show her family smiling, feeling something they haven’t felt in a long time– True, pure, unadulterated simcha.
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