“My parents were both murdered in a terrorist attack when I was only four and a half years old. I’ve tried so hard to remember my parents, to remember how it felt to be loved…But my mind comes up blank. For years, I deeply longed to have a family. To have somewhere where I belonged.
Boruch Hashem, last month I became engaged to an incredible boy named Gavi. With no parents to help us, we are alone and terrified of how we will get by without support. R’ Mordechai Gross has heard about our case and is advocating for me and 62 other orphans in similar challenging situations. Without your generosity, we won’t manage on our own.
I want to thank you personally for your kindness. Being there for us, and the other orphans that desperately need help should be a tremendous zechus for you and your loved ones- It should B’’ZH bring much-needed yeshuos!”- Shira*
This is a true and heartbreaking story from a young woman who is struggling to gather the finances she needs to get married this month. A small group of kallahs who have lived their whole lives in poverty after losing their parents were brought to Rav Mordechai Gross, a huge Posek in Israel who is legendary for the thousands of people who have come to him for Brachos and immediately saw their long-awaited yeshuos come true. He was so moved by Shira and the other orphans’ stories that he and several other major Rabonim penned the following groundbreaking haskama:
“We have gathered here and the stories of 63 orphans have come before us, they are about to get married and they have no means to pay the necessary expenses. Therefore, we ask from each person to partner with us to pay the wedding expenses generously. We ask that each person gives 10 for each orphan.
Each person who does so should merit measure for measure to celebrate a simchah in their own homes soon. They should not know any sorrow or pain. They should merit children and yiddishe nachas from all their descendants. They should be saved from the damaging effect of technology, and Hashem should fulfill all their wishes for the good, with abundant parnassah and all the yeshuos.
Rav Mordechai Gross shlita
Rav Naftali Nussbaum shlita
Rav Binyomin Finkel shlita”
Rav Gross’s brachos are not to be taken lightly. Countless stories have been told about their unusual power. Donate generously here to help 63 Jewish orphans build their families and homes, and not only will you receive Rav Gross’s legendary bracha– You will receive a Shtar Beis Din from the three Rabbonim as well, as a token of their gratitude for your vital contribution to this time-sensitive cause.
*Details have been changed to protect the couple’s privacy
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