Gimmel released a number of campaign videos on Monday, with most focusing on the anti-religious incitement of the members of the Bennett-Lapid-Lieberman government. The video begins with the incitement of Yisrael Beitenu chairman Avigdor Lieberman even before the government was formed when he said: “We need to take the Chareidim, together with Bibi, on the same wheelbarrow to the closest garbage dump.” It then moves on to Prime Minister Yair Lapid, saying [also pre-government]. “Six days [the Chareidim] sit in yeshivah and someone else will pay the bills..” Next appears a member of Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party who served as the head of the Knesset’s Committee for Religious Services, Yulia “Badatz” Malinovsky, who first gained notoriety by mocking the hechsherim of Badatz, before moving on to even worse things. The video ends with the words: ” “Enough of the hatred and persecution – we’re putting an end to it. They won’t humiliate you any longer. We must fight. We must win!” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post WATCH: “Put An End To The Hatred And Persecution” appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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