Yosef Hadad, an Israeli-Arab pro-Israel activist, posted a laughable video on his social media accounts of an Israeli-Arab stammering to explain to Haddad why life in Israel “gives her flashbacks of South Africa.” “Here is a video you must see – an Israeli Arab from Haifa explains all the reasons why Israel is an apartheid state,” Haddad wrote. “Watch!” In response to her apartheid claims, Haddad asked: “But do you have separate bus lines here in Haifa for Arabs and Jews?” “No,” she replied. Haddad: “So can you give me an example of apartheid in Israel.” “Umm, in Israel,” she responded. “Umm, umm, umm, umm.. um..um.” Haddad then posted a photo of the Arab-Israeli next to US representative Rashida Tlaib, writing: “Is it just me or does she have a crazy resemblance to Rashida Tlaib? (In her appearance but no less than that, in her obsessive stupidity of being against Israel without any connection to reality and facts).” זה רק אני או שיש דמיון מטורף בינה לראשידה טאליב?(גם במראה אבל לא פחות מזה- בטמטום האובססיבי להיות נגד ישראל בלי קשר למציאות והעובדות) https://t.co/EM9eIrDFce pic.twitter.com/NeXUp25Tge — יוסף חדאד – Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) November 9, 2022 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post LAUGHABLE: Why Was The Israeli-Arab At A Loss For Words? appeared first on The Yeshiva World.