Five Jewish children were left completely alone in the world several months ago with the death of their father, Reb Yosef Yitzchok Rosen z”l (58). The loss of a parent is always a terrible tragedy to the family, one which the  Rosen children have already experienced: their mother abandoned the family a few years prior. Their father’s passing has only compounded their pain, and the future of the orphans is in jeopardy. 

Yesterday, Batsheva left an update on the family’s Chesed Fund page asking readers to respond generously to the orphans’ request for help. Donations will give the Rosen children some financial stability and enable them to remain together as a family. They have already lost so much, they don’t want to lost each other. 

In her own words: 
Hi, this is Batsheva writing to you. It’s only been a few months since our Tatty passed away. Tatty was the only person left to love us and take care of us. Now he is gone, and we are completely alone. Please help the people who are taking care of us so we can all stay together as a family of 5 siblings. We only have each other now. Thank you so much.

Click here to help Batsheva, Yechiel, Dovid, Nechama, and Tzina.