When it comes to finances, I’ve had a lot of success Boruch Hashem. When people ask me for tips on how to succeed in business, I always tell them the same thing: 
At the end of the day, Hashem is the only one who decides our fate, so I turn to the world’s biggest Torah scholars for advice. Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi recently made a fascinating public statement. He said: “Whoever merits to give Jewish children bread and milk…Your parnossah should be doubled! With health and nachas from all your descendants.” (Click here to watch the whole video)
But it gets even better– Donors to R’ Ezrachi’s “Bread And Milk Fund” will also receive a legal contract, written in their name and signed by the Gadol HaDor himself, showing that they fulfilled the Rav’s request and that they now receive his bracha. 
What could be more reassuring than having a physical document, written and signed by the great Rav Ezrachi himself, to show that you have done what he asked and that you can trust his advice where to give your tzedaka, and the schar that you will gain as a reward?
So, that’s my secret- The signed contract I have from the Gadol HaDor saying that I trust him, that I give my tzedaka where he advises, and that, in his own words, my income will be doubled. 
Because sometimes, it’s about investing in what matters most. And personally, I’m investing in precious yiddishe kinderlach.
For they are Klal Yisroel’s entire future.