When famed Israeli singer Yishai Ribo was 16, he wrote a song that his family grew to love, especially his mother. Every Erev Pesach, his mother would ask: “Yishai, when are you releasing your song to the world?” Last year on Leil HaSeder, Yishai promised her that this would be the year. Around Purim time, he remembered his promise and despite the short amount of time remaining until Pesach, he went to the studio to record a song. “Apparently in the zechus of kibud horim, [the song was recorded] with extraordinary Siyata Dishmaya – the vibe, the production, and my wonderful band – it all came together in just a few days,” Ribo wrote. “So during these days when we have so much background noise, despite the separation that supposedly exists between us, we belong to the same people that left Mitzrayim and crossed the Yam Suf and endless tribulations – this Am who returned to Eretz Yisrael contrary to all human predictions,” Ribo wrote. “So this is how it is when the world is in a kind of bankruptcy. The point of inquiry becomes more and more rooted and internal. But I am sure that soon, from all this chaos, love will be born between us and sweet redemption. Because the people I belong to – ה׳ הוא אלוקיו!” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post WATCH: “I Belong To The Am:” The Song Yishai Ribo Wrote When He Was 16 appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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