Tens of thousands of Gerrer Chassidim attended a massive Chasunah on Tuesday evening of the Gerrer Rebbe’s granddaughter. The Chausunah is taking place in the large Gerrer Beis Medrash on Rechov Yirmiyahu. The kallah is the daughter of the Rebbe’s daughter and son-in-law HaRav Chaim Yehoshua Schorr, Rosh Yeshivas Chiddushei HaRim in Bnei Brak and the chasan is Yisrael Bergman, the son of Rav Menashe Bergman of Tel Aviv. The chuppah took place at 4:15 on Rechov Yirmiyahu and the seudah and dancing are taking place in the Gerrer Beis Medrash. There is also another massive Chasunah tonight, as a grandson of the Belzer Rebbe is getting married. VIDEOS & PHOTOS FOR YWN VIA SHUKI LERER
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