Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau told yeshivah bochurim who came to visit him on Thursday not to get involved in arguments or debates with chilonim during Bein HaZemanim. “There’s something important to remember,” the Rosh Yeshivah said. “During Bein Hazemanim, you remain the same Bnei Torah – no changing, no acting differently. Remain a Ben Torah all the time.” “Don’t get into arguments or confrontations with Chilonim about anything. Just act respectable. Bnei Torah are respectable in their own right.” “This is important for all the yeshivos, to remain Bnei Torah during Bein HaZemanim…to adhere to all four sections of the Shulchan Orech also during Bein HeZemanim.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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