Aryeh Gottleib, who was seriously injured in the Chevron terror attack on Sunday, recounted the moments of horror he endured in an interview with Channel 14 News. Gottlieb said that prior to leaving his yishuv, he offered a ride to Batsheva Nigri, H’yd and her daughter, who were waiting by the bus stop. They left the yishuv and a few minutes later, he heard shooting and felt a strong blow on the side of his face. “I didn’t feel the individual bullets, I just felt an incredible blow on the side. I understood right away that we were being shot at because I heard the noise. I looked to the right, I saw Batsheva and saw that she already wasn’t with us.” Despite his severe injuries and bleeding and the shrapnel flying in every direction, Aryeh continued driving in order to obtain assistance. “I understood that apparently I was going to die. I thought, if I’m going to die, I’m going to do it right – I’ll say Shema Yisrael, Vidui…I knew I wouldn’t survive until Kiryat Arba. I told myself I’ll continue driving until I meet a Jew by the intersection.” He continued driving and he stopped a couple hundred meters forward, where there were workers fixing a water pipe and a Jewish security guard. Meanwhile, Shirel, Batsheva’s 12-year-old daughter called MDA. They asked where she was but she was in too much shock to answer so Areyh instructed her what to tell them. “She then began crying, she saw her mother, she screamed ‘Ima! Ima! Ima!” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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