Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Mardawi revealed in an interview with journalist Ahmed Mansour that Hamas deliberately rejected a historic opportunity for peace and prosperity for Palestinians—choosing instead to continue its war against Israel. According to Mardawi, Trump’s Middle East team, led by Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, had offered Hamas a path to statehood in Gaza during Trump’s first administration. The proposal included $10 billion in aid to transform Gaza’s economy and infrastructure; The lifting of the siege on Gaza, allowing free trade and movement; Recognition of Gaza as a Palestinian state, with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar offered the role of president; A precursor to negotiations, including the collection of Hamas’s heavy rockets—weapons used to indiscriminately target Israeli civilians. And what did Hamas do? They rejected it outright. Mardawi’s comments once again confirm that Hamas had no interest in peace, no concern for Palestinian well-being, and no desire to build a functioning state. Instead, their only mission remains the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews—a goal they have pursued relentlessly through terror, war, and bloodshed. Hamas could have ended Palestinian suffering, secured independence, and built a future—but they chose terror over peace. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)