What better way to extend the achdus and inspiration of the recent 13th Siyum HaShas, then by unifying Klal Yisroel, once again, in limud HaTorah? The 3rd annual Shas for Shidduchim campaign, hosted by Chicago Chesed Fund, will do just that. On Tu B’Shvat – Monday, February 10, 2020 – a day of tremendous power, hundreds of lomdim will come together to complete all 2,711 dafim in Chicago. The goal? To harness the immense power of limud HaTorah in the zchus of Klal Yisroel’s singles. According to the Ben Ish Chai, Tu B’Shvat is similar to Tu B’Av in that both days hold tremendous power for those looking for shidduchim. We all know singles who are caught up in this “parsha.” Now there is a way to help them. By sponsoring a daf in their zchus, you can help a single find their bashert! This isn’t the only way that Chicago Chesed Fund is working to help singles. All proceeds donated are used to continue their work to help solve the shidduch crisis through their various programs. The previous Shas for Shidduchim campaigns have been met with an overwhelming success. I wanted to let you know that I participated in the Shas for Shidduchim by donating money in the zchus for my sister to find her shidduch. Bechasdie Hashem, she got engaged shortly before Purim, and will be getting married soon. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of zchus. Join us as we embark on our 3rd annual Shas for Shidduchim campaign and help us see more singles walk down the aisle to their chuppah. Sponsor a Daf in zchus of a single! Chicago Chesed Fund is a non-profit organization committed to helping families in crisis throughout the Chicagoland area. Through various programming and events, it provides critical assistance in the form of goods, services and financial support in an environment that maintains the dignity and integrity of each and every recipient.
The post 7.5 Years of Learning Packed into One Powerful Night for Shidduchim appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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