Three months after YWN first reported on the expected cutback in the budget for yeshivos due to the political imbroglio, it reported on Monday that the decreased budget is at a new low and is expected to bring back the world of yeshivos to the days of [former Finance Minister Yair] Lapid’s decrees. It is expected that the reduced budget will soon be transferred from the Education Ministry to the bank accounts of the kollelim and yeshivos and unless there is no last-minute change, the amount of money received for each avreich and yeshivah bochur will be similar to the amounts when Lapid served as Finance Minister (March 2013 – December 2014). The estimated sum for the upcoming month for a yeshivah bochur in yeshivah gedolah is NIS 255 and NIS 459 for a kollel avreich, as compared to the amounts of NIS 240 and NIS 480 when Lapid was Finance Minister. There is still a behind-the-scenes attempt to prevent the cutback to yeshivos, which will be forced to lower the standards of living conditions in the yeshivahs. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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