It is Erev Yom Hadin. We are busy with seemingly mundane things; showering the children and wiping the kitchen floor. Putting away the pots, taking out a baking pan, back to the store for more challos, setting the timer for the lights and maybe the air conditioner too… In another minute the Mishpat begins. Fatal decisions affecting an entire year. Life is hanging in the balance. Recent events demonstrated what can happen.  Most would love to be at the Kosel Hamaaravi right now, standing by the holy, ancient stones and offer a prayer that immediately flies up straight to Heaven.  In truth, we are there. Our emissaries, who are considered like ourselves, are on their way to daven for us during these last minutes of 5780, at the place closest to the Kodesh Hakodoshim.  Who are these emissaries? Gedolei Hador themselves. Leading Talmidei Chachamim, Chassidishe Rebbes, Roshei Yeshivos. A group of esteemed Torah scholars are traveling to the Kosel just hours before Rosh Hashana to pray on behalf of those who donate to help Israel’s most impoverished families.  The power is tremendous. It’s the power of hundreds of years of Torah learning, the power of the tzibbur that rests on their shoulders, the power of tzedakah that is distributed to tens of thousands of poor Jews.  “The power of this Tefilah” – so stated Moreinu Posek Hador Harav Hagaon Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zatzal. “The power of the Tefilah session of Vaad Harabbanim on Erev Rosh Hashanah can change a person’s gezar din from death to life…!” 5780 is closing its gates, and suddenly a new calendar is hung up: 5781. The world has been deeply transformed. And what will the next year bring? What do we hope for in the new year? We ask the Creator of the World for peace, health, parnassah, nachas, simcha… that Hashem should keep the good things going and send away the bitter things. On Rosh Hashanah, everything that we think we have is reconsidered and reevaluated and rejudged. No detail is to be taken for granted. That is part of what makes this blessing from the Gedolei HaDor so incredible:  “28 of Gedolei Yisrael sign this Shtar- a Shtar of Life for those who donate for the special fund ‘Vehasiroty Machaka MiKirbecha.’ We opened this fund in Vaad Harabanim in Eretz Yisroel, to save the sick and their families, to heal them and strengthen them for all of their days.Donors should bez”H see great salvations everywhere they need, They should save them and the people in their house from all disease, measure for measure. They should merit to make simchas in their house, have nachas from their offspring, with health and financial success in abundance.” This year we need no reminders. A microscopic virus already showed us enough.  This year more than ever – give tzedaka and bring blessing into the year to come for your home. Because this year the decree has been harsh, but teshuva, tzedaka, and tefillah have the power to turn it all around.   CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR NAME TO THE PRAYER LIST CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FULL CAMPAIGN
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