Hagaon HaRav Yonah Reuven Turchin, z’tl, the Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Ha’Granat in Ramat Shlomo and the Rav of Yehud, was niftar from the coronavirus at the age of 72 on Shabbos Kodesh. HaRav Turchin was the son of Hagaon HaRav Nissin Turchin, z’tl, a mekurav of the Chazon Ish who founded Kollel Ohr Yitzchak and served as the Rav of Yehud. After his father’s death, HaRav Turchin moved Ohr Yitzchak to Ramat Shlomo in Jerusalem and changed the name to Yeshivas Hagranat (‘הגרנ”ט’) after his father. He tailored the yeshivah for struggling bochurim, saving countless bochurim from the street. One of HaRav Turchin’s 12 children, HaRav Chaim Aharon, z’tl, also served as the Rosh Yeshivah of Hagranat until he passed away during Israel’s first wave of the coronavirus only six months ago at the age of 48, leaving behind 14 children. HaRav Turchin was maspid his son at the levaya, weeping bitterly, from his car window. HaRav Turchin was marbitz Torah throughout his life and served as a father for countless bochurim, drawing them close with his warm and loving personality. He had a special kesher with Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and he used to bring him a lulav every year from an orchard in Yehud. In the past, when HaRav Chaim used to travel out of Bnei Brak for brissim, he would visit HaRav Yonah when he was in the Yehud area. HaRav Turchin, z’tl, has suffered many difficulties in his life, suffering from ill health for the past 30 years, but always maintained his simcha and emunah. His wife, Rebbitzen Chana Rachel Turchin, a’h, who grew up in Baltimore and was the daughter of Hagaon HaRav Malin, z’tl, Rosh Yeshivas Knesses Yehudah, was niftar in 2005 when she was only in her 50s. Yehi Zichro Baruch. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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