Precious brothers, Unfortunately, I got divorced eight years ago and my children live with me. My parents are not physically well so they are also under my care. I was in desperate need of money, so I borrowed a large amount of money from a group of money lenders in Eretz Yisrael. With great effort, I tried to pay the sum but I could not meet their requirements. They threatened to kill me if I do not pay up by November 10. They know where my family lives and are monitoring me. Had I known who these people were, I would never have dealt with them. CLICK HERE TO DONATE My brothers, I do not know what to do. They are merciless and determined to act if I do not fulfill their wishes R”l. This case is nothing but Pikuach Nefesh Mamash Rav Gedalyah Moshe Eisenbach from Eretz Yisrael, and the Rosh Hayishivah Rav Yisrael Newman from Lakewood (BMG) know my situation and can attest this case. Please have mercy and assist a yid who is in a most desperate situation and donate generously to save my life, and the life of my family. I am confident that Hashem will consider your donation as if you saved the life of another yid. Hashem should shower you with much schar in this world and the next. CLICK HERE TO DONATE THIS CAMPAIGN IS VERIFIED BY THE CHESED FUND
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