It is with tremendous sadness that the sudden and shocking petirah of Hagaon Rav Avrohom Ausband zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Telshe Alumni in Riverdale.
Rav Ausband was one of America’s gedolei roshei yeshiva, a towering figure in the world of Torah, known for his unwavering dedication to his talmidim and the preservation of the mesorah of Telz.
Born into a family steeped in Torah, Rav Avrohom was a son of Rav Eizik Ausband zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Telz Cleveland.
Rav Avrohom learned in the Yeshiva of Telshe in Cleveland, where he absorbed the unique Telshe derech halimud. Under the tutelage of the Roshei Yeshiva, including his father and other giants like Rav Mordechai Gifter zt”l, he became a talmid muvhak and a rising star in the world of Torah.
Rav Avrohom’s journey led him to Riverdale, where he established the Yeshiva of Telshe Alumni. For decades, he infused the yeshiva with the spirit of Telshe, creating an atmosphere of serious learning and meticulous attention to the development of each talmid, both in their Torah learning and as bnei Torah. His shiurim were known for their depth and clarity, and his ability to inspire his talmidim to reach new heights in avodas Hashem left a lasting impact.
He was a pillar of strength for his talmidim, who knew they could turn to him not only for Torah guidance but for personal advice and support. His devotion to his family, his yeshiva, and Klal Yisroel was unwavering, and his legacy will continue to live on through the thousands of talmidim he shaped, many of whom have gone on to become roshei yeshiva, rabbanim, and marbitzei Torah around the world.
Rav Ausband’s petirah leaves an irreplaceable void in the Torah world, but his teachings and the yeshiva he nurtured will remain a lasting testament to his greatness.
Levayah details will be posted once they are finalized.