Yeshivah bochurim told Kikar H’Shabbat that they’re scared to walk the streets of Jerusalem following encounters with violent Arab youths. Bochurim from Yeshivas Yad Aharon in Katamon said that they went for a walk by the Tayelet (Haas promenade) on Wednesday night at 11:30 p.m.and encountered three Arabs in their 20s. One of the Arabs kicked one of the bochurim. The bochurim began running away and the Arabs chased after them while throwing stones and sticks at them. “B’Chasdei Shamayim, the bochurim managed to escape with only minor injuries,” one of the bochurim said. “But the day before, other bochurim from the yeshivah were beaten up by a different group of Arabs.” “During Ramadan, the Arabs come out against the Jews and especially against young teens. What situation have we reached – in the capital of the state of Israel, in a Jewish neighborhood – bochurim can’t take a walk without being beaten up? We’re mamash scared to go out and it doesn’t seem like the police are putting an end to it.” Bochurim from Beis Matisyahu were attacked on Rechov Kanfei Nesharim in Yerushalayim. One of the bochurim told Kikar: “We returned to our homes in Jerusalem at 1 a.m. in the morning. Suddenly a black car appeared behind us, four Arabs came out wielding clubs, waving them in the air to threaten us.” “One bochur managed to escape but my friend and I were beaten on all parts of our bodies. They then left us on the ground and fled the same way they came.” “We don’t even have words to describe the humiliation we suffered. We never dreamed we would reach such a situation on Rechov Kanfei Nesharim in Yerushalayim.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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