Hagaon Rav Asher Weiss wrote a scathing letter on Tuesday calling for the public to adhere to Health Ministry regulations and censuring the behavior of frum Jews who don’t adhere to health regulations. “We should cover our faces in shame when every day is worse than the next – with people dying every single day from this virus, including Rebbes, Roshei Yeshivos, prominent Marbetzei Torah and Amcha Beis Yisrael,” Rav Weiss wrote. “Thousands are groaning in pain and yissurim and we can’t claim: ‘Our hands didn’t spill this blood.'” “I already said in the past that we need to be machmir even more than the health authorities in Israel and the world, who have various negios. The Torah Hakedosha alone is ‘ner l’ragleinu’ [our guide] and it commands us ‘V’nishmartem meod l’nafshoseichem.’ How can we not be ashamed when secular Jews & non-Jews are astounded [at frum Jews’ behavior]?” Rav Weiss concluded his letter by writing that during this difficult period we should be machazeik in limmud Torah, kavana b’tefilla and simchas ha’mitzvah.   (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post “Where’s Our Shame? Frum Jews Skirt Health Laws As Non-Jews Look On,” Rav Asher Weiss Speaks Out appeared first on The Yeshiva World.