A 15-year-old Charedi boy wanted to take his luggage out of the luggage compartment of a bus when he got off the bus near the El-Al junction on Highway 40. While he was leaning forward into the compartment, the driver closed the door to the luggage compartment which knocked the boy inside the compartment. The driver, not knowing that the boy was inside, began traveling towards Yerushalayim. The boy, who was scared, called the police from inside the luggage compartment and told them that he was trapped inside and that the bus was moving. Police immediately dispatched a squad car from the Yerushalayim traffic division and began chasing after the bus. They also utilized traffic cams to identify where exactly the bus was. The student, a U.S. resident, Sounded stressed and scared on the phone with the police. He identified that he was on route 947 on its way to Yerushalayim from the El-Al intersection. The police located the bus on traffic cams and the squad cars raced to intercept it. Police finally caught up to the bus at the Hemed interchange and pulled the bus over to the side of the road. The youngster was released from the luggage compartment. He was uninjured. Police opened an initial investigation into the incident and the driver was brought to the police station at the Harel interchange. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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