Agam Berger and her mother Meirav are now renowned for their spiritual gevurah, with both mother and daughter strengthening their emunah and observance of mitzvos during Agam’s long ordeal in Gazan captivity, including Shabbos, Kashrus, and tefillos. Agam was the only female IDF soldier who returned to Israel on a weekday rather than Shabbos, fulfilling her mother’s wish that no one be mechallel Shabbos to cover the story of her release. Another ruchniyus-related story about Agam is that she returned to Israel on the one-year anniversary of the reopening of the Amalei HaTorah kollel in Holon, which was re-opened in the zechus of the return of the hostages and the welfare of the IDF soldiers in battle. In an amazing incident of Hashgachas Pratis, Berger, a resident of the city, returned to Israel exactly a year after it opened. In addition, from the day the kollel opened, not one missile or drone fell in Holon. There were missile falls in the city before the kollel opened but not afterward, even as numerous missiles and drones fell in nearby areas in central Israel amid frequent Hezbollah and Houthi attacks. In the video below, ba’al hachessed Reb Meir Bloch is seen after he brought a huge challah to Agam’s parents at the hospital on Friday and blew the shofar with a tefilla that all the hostages return home. He added that “we should be zocheh to the geulah in the zechus of Agam’s Shemiras Shabbos and Kashrus.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)