A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman, and Ilhan Omar for their alleged role in “inciting and encouraging” anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. The lawsuit, filed by five anonymous students, claims the lawmakers supported an “illegal encampment” that violated university rules and harassed Jewish students. According to court papers, the protests, which included masked demonstrators chanting “Free Palestine!” and burning an Israeli flag, resulted in the violent takeover of Hamilton Hall on April 30. The students allege that the encampment’s occupants “harassed, followed, physically blocked, intimidated, and bullied Jewish students.” The lawsuit also targets several activist groups, claiming they contributed to the illegal encampment. Two of the five students filing the lawsuit are Jewish. In response to the protests, Jewish students at Columbia University wrote an open letter in May defending Israel and calling for peace and understanding. The lawsuit comes after anti-Israel protesters set up another encampment at the university following a NYPD raid in May. The initial encampment inspired similar protests at colleges and universities nationwide, with demands including divestment from Israeli companies and ending academic ties with Israeli institutions. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)