There’s an alarming spike of new coronavirus cases in Tel Aviv in recent days, with 81 new cases in the past three days, the highest in the country. While some of the cases can be attributed to the new coronavirus hotspot among illegal infiltrators in south Tel Aviv, those cases only account for a little over a third of the new cases. It seems that Tel Avivians have become apathetic to the threat of the coronavirus, with streets, restaurants and beaches full of Israelis living their lives as if the coronavirus doesn’t exist – with no masks or social distancing. Protests with thousands of participants, rooftop parties with gatherings over the permitted numbers and other health ministry violations have become the routine. Apparently, although the Chareidi public took a longer time than the secular public to absorb the significance of the coronavirus pandemic when it first began, a major shift has now occurred, in which the Charedim are adhering to health regulations much more seriously than secular Israelis. In an article by Israeli Chareidi author Menuchah Fuchs, published on Chareidim10, she wrote: “Why am I embarrassed to wear a mask in certain neighborhoods in Jerusalem?” Fuchs wrote that in recent weeks she’s embarrassed to walk around in secular neighborhoods with a mask because everyone is walking around there as if the coronavirus doesn’t exist. But when she enters a Chareidi neighborhood, she doesn’t dare to walk around with a mask since everyone is wearing a mask and some are even wearing gloves. Whatever the reason may be for the secular public’s apathy, it may come to an end in the near future following an emergency meeting on Tuesday, during which Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu formulated a plan for increased enforcement of coronavirus regulations. The regulations will be enforced not only by Israel Police but also by local authority inspectors and even Population and Immigration Authority inspectors. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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