For the first time since the elections, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir went up to Har HaBayis on Tuesday morning to mark the fast of Asara B’Teves in a visit that was delayed several weeks due to security concerns and the threats of the Hamas terror organization. Ben-Gvir coordinated the visit with the police and arrived at the site under heavy security, including his personal bodyguards and police officers. Ben-Gvir said during his visit: “Our government will not surrender to the threats of Hamas. Har HaBayis is the most important place for Am Yisrael. We allow freedom for Muslims and Christians but Jews will also go up to the Har and those who make threats must be dealt with forcefully.” Ben-Gvir held a situational assessment on Monday evening with the Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai, the commander of the Jerusalem district, and the head of the Shin Bet, and it was determined that there were no impediments from visiting the site. Media reports on Monday evening said that following a conversation with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir postponed his visit to Har HaBayis by a few days after the security establishment warned the prime minister that Ben-Gvir’s visit to the site could lead to a security escalation, including the launching of rockets from the Gaza Strip and an uptick of terror activities in the already tense areas of Yehudah and Shomron and Jerusalem. Hamas warned on Monday that it “will not stand idly by” if Ben-Gvir visits Har HaBayis. Hamas spokesman Abdel-Latif al-Qanua said in a statement that “the announcement of the criminal Ben-Gvir about his intention to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque reflects the arrogance of the fascist settler government and its planned intentions to escalate the invasions of Al-Aqsa with the aim of dividing it.” The head of the opposition Yair Lapid said on Monday: “Itamar Ben-Gvir must not go up to Har HaBayit. It’s a provocation that will lead to violence that will endanger and cost human lives. Regardless of Bibi’s weakness, this time he has to stand up and tell him: ‘You are not going up to Har HaBayit because people will die.'” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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