Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara, who can’t seem to stop herself from interfering with anything that smacks of religion, sent a letter of warning to Defense Minister Yisrael Katz on Thursday afternoon, informing him that any Chareidi draft law that he formulates without her input will be found “illegal.” In the letter, Baharav-Miara complained that the law has not been presented to her and is liable to be “against the law” and any Chareidi draft law without personal sanctions against Bnei Torah “is irrelevant” She claimed that her opinion is based on the fact that the Chareidi recruitment law that was formulated in the previous Knesset is no longer relevant following the October 7 attack. Government Secretary Yossi Fuchs responded by stating: “The Knesset and the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee have excellent legal counselors and they will determine whether the law meets the required criteria, not the Attoreny-General.” Defense Minister Katz and senior IDF leadership officials held a meeting on Tuesday about forming a plan to draft Chareidim, with Katz saying: “Our goal is to draft up to 50% of eligible Charedi men within seven years.” However, Ynet reported on Thursday that senior Agudas Yisrael officials said that they will not agree to such a large amount of Bnei Torah being drafted and will not hesitate to fight the government in order to defend Olam HaTorah. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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